Sunday, August 24, 2008

That Sunday Anxiety...

I love Saturdays!  You can stay up as late as you want without the worry that you will be too tired for work the next day. 

Once Sunday arrives, I have several things that I need to accomplish:
1. What am I going to wear all week? Do I need to wash?
2. What a I going to eat? Do I need to go shopping?
3. Was some reading that I needed to do before Monday?
4. I should look at my schedule quickly...
5. I guess I should clean up
6. Great; Im not done with that book that needs to be returned to the library!
7. oh no, its 1:30 pm already!  What have I done all day?
8. I need to wash my hair and set it for the week

Oh, ok. I need to get to doing some of the above!  I guess I will post again tomorrow.